Oaxacan Photographic Adventure

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Continuing with the theme of travel to Latin America this year, I have confirmed a trip to Oaxaca, Mexico in October for the Día de los Muertos celebration. I am going with a small group including humanitarian photographers David duChemin and Jeffrey Chapman.

After reading a few of duChemin’s books, I was intrigued with the idea of doing some travel and humanitarian photography. I love to travel, and when I get the chance, experience the local culture. I’m not really interested in tourist hotspots. So, in theory, I’d like to do some humanitarian and travel photography. I say in theory because I had a little problem connecting with the locals on my last trip to Mexico.

photo by Don Crossland

There was much tequila consumed on my last trip. I suspect there will not be quite as much this time.

I’m excited to go with David and Jeffrey to see them in action and work with them during this special holiday in Oaxaca. They have been all over the world shooting for various NGOs and I think there will be a lot to learn from them. Plus, I’m sure they have plenty of great stories of life in remote locations and cultural shocks a-plenty.

It is a week-long trip traveling around the Oaxacan Valley to various markets in preparation for the festivities and cemeteries for the holidays. The holiday itself is a time of remembering and celebration. There is going to be food, music and lots of decorations to honor the altars of the dead. There should be plenty of people and places to photograph as well as a great time to experience the Mexican culture.

Between Costa Rica and Oaxaca, I’ll have to really get fired up on the Rosetta Stone lessons. I would love to go being able to speak Spanish fairly well. At least then I can have some conversations and maybe learn more.

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