Ashley & Ryan Wedding

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Last year, while still living in New York, I got a call from my friend Ryan. He was getting married and said that he would really like for me to shoot his wedding. Weddings are not my thing but how could I say no when friends asked so nicely. The date was set for April 20th.

We decided to shoot the bridal pictures before the ceremony while everyone was fresh and excited. Ashley and Ryan wanted to walk the line of traditional photos with a mix of the eclectic. I met up with the groomsmen first at the Old Main building at the ASU campus. We started out with some more traditional photos and then had a little fun with it. When Ashley showed up we did the pictures of the couple with a little more traditional slant. While we were shooting the bridesmaids, we found a secluded area with benches and a water feature surrounded by trees and flowers. I brought Ryan back over and we got some great pictures of Ashley and Ryan, especially when she grabbed his sunglasses and did her impression of him.

The happy couple in a calm little garden before the wedding.

The wedding was set for the courtyard with a fountain in front of the building. The bride would walk down the stairs toward a waiting groom by the fountain. The ceremony started a little late to give people who didn’t allow for extra traffic time to make it. The delay turned out perfect as Ryan finished reading his vows from his iPhone and the officiant read from his iPad “You may kiss the bride” right at 4:20pm on 4/20. Which was loudly proclaimed by someone yelling from a neighboring building.

It turned into an iWedding with the officiant consulting his iPad and Ryan reading his vows from his iPhone.

The ceremony came to a close and everyone headed over to the rooftop deck of Studio 5C for the festivity and frivolity. The bridal party stayed behind to do some pictures and for some general clowning around. The entire group was fun-loving and relaxed around each other which made my job so much easier.

Three rings to rule them all.

I am happy and honored that I was able to be a part of Ashley and Ryan’s special day. These are just a few of the pictures shot that day.

To see more of the pictures, check out the gallery.

I also put together a slideshow:

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