Project: 90 Days

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Introducing my photo project. The premise is simple: post a photo a day for the next 90 days. However, like most things in this world, it’s not that simple. I have a purpose beyond sharing my photography. So I have set up rules for myself to facilitate my special purpose.

My Objective
The main objective of this 90-day challenge is for me to develop a point of view with my photography. I have been a photographer for over 10 years and have done pretty well, developing my own style. I’ve been published in local, national and even some international magazines doing fashionfoodportraitsarchitectural and artistic photography. So what do I mean about developing a point of view and why am I concerned about now? Good question. Almost all the photography I have done has been in a controlled setting. I’ve controlled the light in the studio or on location and I’ve controlled the subject being photographed.

I want to step out of that controlled environment and show a slice of life from my point of view. I live in New York City. There will be no shortage of people and things to photograph.

The Rules
There is only one real rule (the rest are merely guidelines): all the photos posted will be from the 90-day period. Ideally, I will take photos everyday and post the best one. I will not “bank” photos to use on a later date. Realistically, I may not be able to shoot an acceptable photo everyday and the photo posted on a certain day may not have been taken on that day, but certainly within a day or two of posting.

I will let this project take on a life of its own and evolve as my point of view evolves. I will try to stay away from too much scene or architectural photography, especially the typical iconic shots of NYC. My main subject will be people.

Much like an assassin, I will begin more by shooting people from a distance. Like Leon told Mathilda: “First you learn with the sniper rifle from long range. Then you can use a pistol. When you have mastered that, then you learn the knife.” The better you are, the closer you can get to your target.

That being said, I will detach myself from the outcome of this project. 90 photos in 90 days of whatever I want to photograph.

Please Participate
Your participation will make this project really mean something. There are many ways in which you can take part.

Rating At the very least, please rate the photos honestly on a scale of 1 to 10 stars. It’s anonymous so you don’t have to worry about offending me.

Comments I’d love to hear what you like about and image or what you don’t like. Feedback of this kind is very valuable as it would be easy for me to get stuck in my own point of view.

Sharing There are Facebook and Twitter sharing options. Please help me spread the word of this photo project.

I trust you enjoy my photographs and return often to check on my progress.

Thank you,
Don Crossland

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