
Cold soup is an oxymoron. Even so, I can’t argue that the many different varieties aren’t refreshing or interesting concepts. For me, the quintessential...

Pasta Carbonara with Ramps

Ramps. Ramps. Ramps. The best thing about spring is ramps. Because I grew up in the Southwest, I had never even heard of ramps....

Onion Rings Two Ways

A friend had a small fryer sitting around and thought I might like to have it. She thought right. Years ago, my roommates and I...

Tequila-Lime Chicken Tacos

Tequila, lime and salt. A great shot and, believe it or not, also a great marinade for chicken. Everyone has an epic tequila story —...

Potato Chip Chicken

I like fried food just as much as the next person — even had a home fryer once. I got rid of it because...

Cauliflower Soup

I’ve always been a big soup fan. Even growing up in Arizona, in the middle of summer, I had been known to enjoy a...

Seafood Chowder

I’m not sure where my mom learned to make clam chowder. She did grow up for a while in port city Hamburg, Germany. But,...

Pea Soup with Leeks

I'm in a leek phase. I'm obsessed with them right now. I roast chicken in a bed of them. I put them in ramen....
Quinoa Tabouli

Quinoa Tabouli

I used to hate the taste of parsley. When I was young, my mom would make us eat the parsley garnish when we went...

Citrus Salad with a Dash of Savory

This recipe actually started with an idea of how I wanted to photograph colorful fruit in a darker setting. I had a couple different...