Tequila-Lime Chicken Tacos

Tequila, lime and salt. A great shot and, believe it or not, also a great marinade for chicken. Everyone has an epic tequila story —...

Seafood Chowder

I’m not sure where my mom learned to make clam chowder. She did grow up for a while in port city Hamburg, Germany. But,...

Grilled Peaches and Burrata

This dessert was inspired by a plate; I’ve heard of this happening with chefs and thought it was weird, until now. I had discovered...

Black Bean Soup

I must admit, I’m not much of a connoisseur of the “musical fruit”. This probably has a lot to do with childhood scars of...

Blood Orange Margarita with Elderflower

I’ve always been intrigued with blood oranges. For some reason, the blood oranges have been especially dark and sweet this year. Maybe they like...

Onion Rings Two Ways

A friend had a small fryer sitting around and thought I might like to have it. She thought right. Years ago, my roommates and I...

Cauliflower Soup

I’ve always been a big soup fan. Even growing up in Arizona, in the middle of summer, I had been known to enjoy a...

Classic Roasted Chicken

In reading Anthony Bourdain's follow-up to Kitchen Confidential (the book that made him), Medium Raw, there is a section where he basically vents on the...
Quinoa Tabouli

Quinoa Tabouli

I used to hate the taste of parsley. When I was young, my mom would make us eat the parsley garnish when we went...

Chicken and Mushrooms

Chicken and mushrooms just seem to go together. I guess mushrooms go with a lot of things. They are earthy, meaty, hearty and add...