
I’ve never been big on New Years Resolutions, mostly because I feel that people go into it all enthusiastic making grandiose resolutions that never...

Contemplating Engagement Photography

When I started my first go around as a photographer I promised myself I would not shoot weddings or porn. Mostly for the same...

Keep Shooting

After spending two weeks in Phoenix, I find myself back in Bakersfield and, quite frankly, in a little bit of a funk. I was...

Surprisingly Ambivalent

I am on a plane to Costa Rica as I write this. Much to my dismay, I am completely ambivalent about this fact. I’ve...

Finding My Niche

When I decided to leave New York and move to LA, I had a pretty concrete idea of what I wanted to do here...
photo by Don Crossland

Oaxacan Photographic Adventure

Continuing with the theme of travel to Latin America this year, I have confirmed a trip to Oaxaca, Mexico in October for the Día...

There’s No Place Like…

I was in LA yesterday with some time to kill so I decided to look at some apartments on Fuller St. near Runyon Canyon....